Thursday, 4 August 2022

Irony, missed my MRI of head and ear, because of a brain storm

Irony, missed my MRI of head and ear, because of a brain storm

so now Americans you know what irony is

woke at 7am and storm there, or rather the storm work me up

still screaming 2 hours later

So I had to ring and call it off

the it lessened a bit

but I went back to bed for safety

Now 4.20 pm and the storm in my head is fierce

Had a pain killer, and then shoulder kicked off too

so slapped on the gel/cream hemp stuff for my shoulder

My body got used to Movelat over the years

 so it does not really work any more

hence change

Chinese Valentine Day according to Google logo

feels more like fetch the undertaker day to me

feeling that rough, which is 40% of the time on a

regular irregular basis

if you  haven't worked that out by now

then you have not been paying attention

Royal or exRoyals are a waste of space

living on Media and suing because they don't get protection

if they used protection in the first place

then they'd fade away

ditto WAGS

don't they have a life?

real things matter


ok I'm ratty and in pain

So I'll stop and watch a Kdrama

you can all read my 4000 pieces of writing here

but do pray for Peace in Ukraine

which is Russia leaving totally, and Putin removed too

and they pay the Bill

anything else is APPEASEMENT

Ukraine is losing Blood

for the EU and USA it is Bloodless, so far

so they should not complain


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