Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Flagstones and Rosary

 Just been cursing outside, which is language appropriate to workmen

installing wifi cable, we already have one offering, now a second being laid

But they are tarmacing the holes and not putting flagstones back

so the street will look like a filled biscuit, RUBBISH

the council is so self important it does not DEMAND as is to the road

some excuse about Gas man next, then they will tarmac over everything

These people are making FORTUNES they should keep our street as IT ALWAYS WAS

so much for Heritage, and being PROUD to be part of it

Sounds like BS to me, Council get your finger out


I found my lst Rosary, on my desk

Yesterday was a Pain Day, that's why you got nothing

and as I typed nothing just then Barry White sung nothing

this happens a lot


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