Saturday, 6 August 2022

Me in Yellow recently

me in the kitchen

had a walk down the hill today with small daughter

nearly killed me, stopped a few times for a rest

the traffic seemed so LOUD, my daughter agreed

caught a bus back up the hill with my free pass

I hope I can start winning the lottery or a Korean millionairess adopts me

then I can pass money on to my daughters for their University education

I just spotted too NHS cyber attack

can somebody at GCHQ  or Anonymous SLAP THEM

or load all my stories to them

that would teach them, a perfect punishment

Read all Michael Casey

Watched Tomorrow Kdrama again tonight

It made me cry and the baddie burned alive

It's going up my Kdrama list

and  I must have seen 100 now, 1000 episodes maybe

go watch for yourselves

There is Poetry too in the Korean language as well

or so it seems to my ears

and yes I still cry and cheer with the story

I did watch a bit of Carter, a Korean film but it was so so violent

started with a blood bath, so I stopped and went back to Tomorrow

And as for today's news

Death is Part of Life

and War in Ukraine is for ALL of OUR freedoms

so spin those Rosary beads and Pray for Mary's intercession

Before millions die, flash in the sky and all that

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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

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