Wednesday, 24 August 2022

USA surge again, did I accidentally add White House to my emails to Russia

USA surge again, did I accidentally add White House to my emails to Russia

I send almost daily short messages and holy pictures to Moscow

Michael Casey

Attachments12:36 (1 hour ago)
to Органныеovcs
From Russia to Fatima to Rome then finally back to Russia. Make peace today leave Ukraine. 

as Quick Stories in Korean is being downloaded

above you can read today's message to Moscow

They could not tell the truth if you paid them

But in the end Mary will triumph

But the rest of us should not celebrate too much, as the Planet needs to be saved

and as for Trump

if he hid a nuclear weapon at his house

he would boast that he had the right

Every word of his should be DENIED

as he lies non stop

And GOP still don't have he courage to stop him

Love of Money is the Root of All Evil

whether you are Putin or Trump

Could an Alien tell the difference

Its 2 hours now and my head has calmed down from the Tinnitus

though it is still there

and Pain from around my body is still a merry go around of pain

I'll load of a comedy soon

I can  think one in minutes

but the process from brain to screen takes an hour

and then you all take 5 minutes to read it

this does not appear in books

only Story (c) by Michael Casey get added

and there are 2000 of those

and maybe 2000 of these

4000 or so, and I was on other sites before

so start 1n 2009 and work your way forward

or go to my Wordpress and find full files

and multiple translations

I need  codine now, pain is so much

just as Tinnitus calms down

welcome to my world, as Jim Reeves used to sing


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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting I know you'd all prefer stories instead of the Political co...