Sunday, 24 April 2022

What can I say today?

What can I say today?

well,  Tinnitus is still my curse

the sun is shining here on the hill

as I look out the window there are clouds over Birmingham

a fat man scurries by playing with his keys

I bet he does not have heart disease

maybe he has Ckd and is hurrying home for the toilet

my shoulder hurts as does my head

but it was time to get out of bed

hope you are not sick of this style

but its piles better than a circular letter

I get often from somebody who should know better

Later on I'll watch Mass online

my shoulder twinged just then

the Ireland badge scratches and post heart bypass

that side of my chest is very very sensitive

just like me, are you laughing at me

well I'll go for a pee and think of you 

as I squirt

we used to squirt over the wall when I was at primary school

just to see how high we could leave a mark

sometimes it went over the wall 

and wet the girls who were playing outside in the playground

a kind of blessing made of pee, from the boys bogs

in the school playground

Saint Patrick's Dudley Rd, opposite the Hospital 

and behind the church of the same name

where I was an altar boy too for 8 years

and a reader for 5 years

The funeral Mass is the best one by the way

for ceremony and fun, like putting the incense

down the drain and letting it fizz after the Mass

me and DmC 55 years ago maybe

So now you know

and yes i do have Shamrock growing in my garden

My Aunty Mary used to send us some

then we grew some  from what she sent

for Saint Patrick's Day

She did not kiss the Blarney stone

she swallowed it

As for my mum, her sister, she had green 

fingers up to her elbow

well my head is fizzing and my shoulder aches

so that'll have to do for today

I may sneak out for bread, as we have lots of eggs

so we can have French Toast as we watch 

the French Election results come in

I first had French toast in Boston USA

in 1980, where one of my cousins 

is a Policeman

Now I'm gotta stop, before my head explodes

Scanners was an old film with that in

which rhymes with Putin

Keep those Prayers going for Peace in Ukraine and an end to Putin's insanity

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...