Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Tinnitus Screaming

 Missing my quarterly Blood Test today, as Tinnitus screaming so much

so it's too dangerous to do anything really

Normally it takes an hour to calm down to normal levels

It drives you to insanity and beyond

A bit like Buzz LightYear

or is that infinity and beyond

Discovered it was the one year anniversary of our neighbour

He died in a house fire near us, a year ago yesterday

so spare a prayer for him 

exams are on the horizon for my daughters

in 2 months time it will all be over

Then my small daughter will see where in the world she is going

A couple of nice choices, but the grades are very high to get in

So come the Autumn, I'll be home alone, while they both study at University

Ok, enough for today, let's hope Putin's War ends soon

Before the Flash on the Horizon kills everything

Meanwhile in USA the Trump Cult and Civil War

is destroying USA from within

Anybody who voted against the Certification

Is not fit to represent anybody, and should be banned for life

But in USA GOP seems to have lost its soul


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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...