Monday, 18 April 2022

James Bond Die Another Day

James Bond Die Another Day


Michael Casey 

03:20 (11 hours ago)




Just watched it this Easter Sunday Jesus said don't die at all. Resurrection If you want Eternal Life Follow Jesus. So why follow Putin as he blames everybody but himself Russia is fabulous but where did all the money go since you defeated Hitler You spent it in an arms race you could never win. AND was never needed anyway. It was just a vanity project always Same goes for always being a drugs cheat. 

Then corrupt Putin stole all the money as his billionaire friends cheated every Russian The ROC too was corrupted too Read Don Camillo a priest will kick a political leader in the pants Not get into bed with him. PUTIN A CHRISTIAN my arse nobody believes him nobody believes Trump either. So what should Russia do. Remove Putin and stop Satan's war on your Ukraine cousins. Then share Russian wealth equally and throw away 90% of your nuclear weapons. 

The people are the masters Politicians are the servants Just as Christ was. Russia is rich only Putin and his friends have screwed you. Get power back to the people Evolution 2022 for a much better Mother Russia. 

You can also read all my books for free online The Butcher The Baker and the Undertaker by Michael Casey that's me which is read in 100 countries and 2000 short stories online in multiple languages online on my WordPress and Blogger but if you have done your homework then you should know that already..

 No need to send me poison emails or anything like that. I'm not Tolstoy but every time you read me some Humanity will rub off on you. Or read Don Camillo instead and he can give you a kick in the pants. Russia is a good place just remove Putin. Jesus offers Eternal Life Putin only offers corruption and death. Let's live in peace and harmony for all the human race and start by Loving your Neighbour nite nite Tinnitus is horrible Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England you can Google that and all will be revealed 

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...