Monday, 4 April 2022

It could be very easy to be depressed

It could be very easy to be depressed


what you have to remember is

the mustard seeds of love put in you by your mother

Ideology may come and go

Hopefully you have a Faith or faith that lasts for you

You may travel but in the end you come back

Or hopefully you grow up full of love

so you never turn your back

But what if you are hurt by life

What do you do

You rest and get strong and then get back up again

Again and again and again

I've had a strange life

I write comedy for a reason

as I seen far too much pain

directly or indirectly all my life

so you just have to fight

these past few year I've had pain

every single day in some way

Tinnitus on top is a new attempt

to hurt and maim me

go ask anybody who has a severe case

some days you don't feel part of the human race

what with other stuff

so I come here to relax and share what I can

though with Tinnitus, bullet points are my new method

a story has 

A Story (c) by Michael Casey

at the start

this is a chat or bullet point stuff


With the world the way it is

It's very hard not to be sad

Murder and worse in Ukraine

Putin's war and he's even corrupted the church in Russia

see previous post for some details

So what do you do?

Well all of you reading this can

Go online and find email addresses of Russian Embassies

Then send an email separately to everybody on the list

Send them messages with pictures from the war in Ukraine

So then they cannot claim they did not know

Send them Holy Pictures

Send them poetry about love

Then keep on sending them

They may go to the junk email or they may be read

If you send the same email separately to 10 email

addresses at the local Russian Embassy

That will keep them occupied

just as they occupied Ukraine

Keep the local Russian Embassies searching through the emails

Clever People amongst you can send 1000s

and also to every company is Russia whose email you can find


as some are already doing

Send short messages in Russian and English

or whatever your local language is

as nobody will trawl through a long message

and if its short even if they only see in for a second

Subliminal Advertising WORKS

Evil in Putin's name he will forever be on the same page as Hitler 

Russia must remove this czar

Dark nights of the soul forever denounce him in London now
Push back the evil 
Repent and turn back to the Light 
Mary the virgin is in Mariapol
As Putin tries to kill Christ at his very birth

that's maybe too long BUT

You get the picture

and paste in a picture too

You are my readers so you are a clever bunch

So keep on going and never  give up

God loves you always, and will always 
welcome back his Prodigal Son

so in the end Putin will be beat

Fatima reminds us, and we know the solution

and Muslims too you've seen Putin's murder in Syria

There are 2,500,000,000 believers at least

If that many Pray together Muslim and Christian

and all the rest, there is only one true winner

and his name is Almighty God

there is no other God

Putin is just a Fool

                                                   Mary Queen of Peace

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...