Thursday, 14 April 2022

Small Victories

Small Victories

I had a thought for a poem last night while I was in bed

forgot about it till 2 seconds ago

Give Back will be the title, then repeats

I may set it down later

Tinnitus and Pain is too much part of my life

but you should know all that if you are following me

don't stand too close or I may fart

I can smell smoke coming in the house

no not an arsonist nor my bum on fire

just checked we are not on fire

just perfume smell now

my big daughter has been in the shower

soap and girls stuff fills the air

but at least the house is not on fire

grabbed  Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice from the kitchen

it cleans my system, as well as tomatoes

though I'll need a pain killer soon

I did clean my pots, flower pots of weed

no not that stuff, real weeds

so the seed bombs I planted will have space to grow

that's if my green fingers work

it's like rabbit pooh, or some other animal

pellets of seeds looking like pooh that will grow

let it blossom let it grow as Eric Clapton used to sing

so they'll be a splash of colour from my pots

and then some in the front garden under my bushes

as for the back, they'll have to fight my Shamrock 

to get a space

So that's all I have to say for now

we heard from Shanghai that Grannie's lockdown had ended

so hello to any Chinese out there in the world

I spotted the Chinese Translation of Butcher Baker Undertaker

being read again

The bookie was saved by his Chinese friends

So when he won a huge amount what did he do

and I mistyped 8 then, Smiling Paul saved his Chinese Friends

because Friendship is worth more than Money

Read Chapter 10 for yourselves

as yes that is why  in the Sequel, Tears for a Butcher

if I ever get around to writing it, or maybe that typist

will miraculously appear

The Shanghai Billionaire springs into action

because he meets Smiling Paul, The Lucky One

Because one good favour deserves another

The Small Victory at the start, is this

even if you are battered and broken

if you can do one small thing

then that is enough

even if all you can say. is

My God My God help me

Uncool Dad of the year 2015, with Clarks shoes, yes really

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...