Monday, 25 April 2022

Sparks the band

 Sparks the band. I saw a documentary about them  on tv. It was fantastic. 10/10 I remember them from my teenage years. The documentary explained a lot to me. They are Artists who paint through Music. Watch the documentary for yourselves. They sparked others literally. Just as the painting below sparked a lifelong interest in painting/art for me.  I should watch more "intellectual" tv, I've been sidetracked into Kdramas and Foreign language films, comedy plus other stuff. But in my defence with all the years of pain in my life, it's nice to be distracted. I do overdose on TV news still, and Press online. The GOP saddens me as it is so corrupt. Anybody who questioned and voted against the 2020 USA Election result should be banned for life. But instead they all still Brown nose Trump. This is a tragedy, that's why Putin thought he could get away with Murder and More, because USA is still in a Civil War. Discuss

This is my 1st ever picture it cost 10p at a Xmas fayre maybe 52 years ago, my mum liked it and gave it to me. That's why I later liked paintings and bought some. Its an image printed on card. My oldest possession, 

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...