Friday, 22 April 2022

Bhutan and Me

Bhutan and Me

well over on Wordpress Bhutan has found me

so hello to them

I hope it's a Monk praying for Peace

but you are welcome anyway

I spotted a piece about Bhutan so you can all read it below

I agree don't allow your country to turn to rubbish to please Tourists

Keep it Pricey and YOU have more control

And don't allow the likes of me in

Though the hill where I live is too high for me already

So keep on reading my rubbish

but most of all, Pray for Peace in Ukraine especially

before the entire world starves

because of Putin's ignorance and folly

Russia keeps looking back to 1945

But what Good have they done since then

Just eslaving everybody, now wanting to turn back time itself

So Monks in Bhutan you Pray for Peace in any way you can

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...