Sunday, 17 April 2022

Taming of a Shrew a Polish film I watched tonight

Taming of a Shrew  a Polish film I watched tonight

a strong 8 so all of you go watch it

If ever my Lech Boris and Gregorgi stories about 3 cousins from Popaloffoff

were ever turned into a film then Polish style in tonight's film

would be perfect

The stories are all online with Translations if you haven't read them already

translations are online too, just have a look

The 3 cousins live in Peace and Harmony, I wrote them in 2019 or earlier

What else, only an Earthquake in Moscow will change Putin

But he does not care about his own people, he just loves money

Which as you all know is The Root of All Evil

Final thought for tonight, Easter is in the morning

Roll away the Stone to a new beginning

And if you say you could never pray, cos you never have

or you're not the kind of person God would love

Because you are undesirable or bad in some way

Easter is all about new beginnings

Even if you say, I don't know what to say God

but help those who need help, even if

my prayers are unworthy, those folks

deserve a miracle, and maybe you'll get a miracle

Just ask from your heart

Prayer does work, I should know...

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...