Friday, 22 April 2022

Mass Tourism a few thoughts

Mass Tourism a few thoughts

as I just said before Bhutan has found me

But what about Tourism Elsewhere

Why isn't there a MacDonalds

Where is the Car Hire

Where is the super max wifi

Where are the Gambling spots

Where are the 24/7 shops

Where are the cheap hookers

Where are the nite spots

Why is the water pressure so low

Where is there to go

Where are the litter bins

Why don't they  speak English

They speak a bit of French

But we are not Canadians

And on it goes


Not to bring your Place all over the Place

To make everything the SAME

Grow Up and save the Human Race

Think about it, Morons

maybe somebody wrote this....

perhaps the French as they hate everybody


only Joking, but at least you are all THINKING now

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...