Sunday, 13 June 2021

New News Channel in UK

New News Channel in UK

I've available, Postcard from Birmingham

they can repeat my 5 mins section through the night

But would I have to knee before Andrew to get it

I was reading old stuff as I checked my figures

And sometimes they make me cry as I remember the story

with all its connections

One referenced an old school mate, though now just a couple of years later

he is dead

So Eternity is close over my shoulder

And the pain attacks today in all the heat nearly made me wave the white flag

Then tonight I read something that cheered my spirits

So I have to thank all you random readers everywhere

Because unknowingly you return my dignity

I won't bore with more, but thank you all of you

Over in USA, Trump has been exposed yet again

as the New Nixon, yet the cult of Trump has ruined the GOP

But none of them have the honesty to put Country before Political Ambition

Has Trump bought a seat on Jeff Bezo's space adventure

Just so he can hijack it and make his getaway

Or will UFOs appear to take him away

With a world like this Humour is in short supply

But Andrew and I cannot knee, as I'd never get up again

Postcard from Birmingham is available

2000+ stories, so have a gander and don't goose me

I can broadcast from your ladies chamber 

Ok, enough I have to go listen to Pink, she's a great lady

Actually she looks like our old green grocers only daughter

Stay happy everybody

and say your prayers tonight, and wear a mask

4 more weeks of social distancing, its's common sense


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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far