Friday, 11 June 2021

well it was nice to come back with a good new piece, Never Discarded, Never Unloved

well it was nice to come back with a good new piece, Never Discarded, Never Unloved

I sent it to my big daughter at University

she cried, but said it was one of the best pieces I'd ever written

I used to write and they say hey kids listen, and read back my new piece

and my daughters would give me marks out of 10

That was their childhood, and tomato soup, Heinz is one of the family

that's why we all wear lederhosen 

My other daughter when she got in from 6th form

well, she said she liked it too, the poem not just Heinz's tomato soup

So I hope all of you all over the world, and down in Cornwall

for that's where all of the world is right now

lets hope all of you enjoy my words too

Not so tired today, so if I can get more chunks of sleep and less Tinnitus

that'll be good

Still getting junk emails in many languages

Why can't they be all turned into pillars of salt

At least I could sprinkle them on my chips

Instead I  delete and report them, so they lose their email

the girls ten. plus years ago, when they suffered my words and marked me out of 10

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far