Tuesday, 1 June 2021

heads up through the Tinnitus

heads up through the Tinnitus

well Totoro our cat woke me up at 3.20am

so I fed her before she left for a killing mission

then I went back to bed

got up again at 5.30

has my 1st breakfast

then after a quick look here, back to bed again

this is Tinnitus life

but a germ of a poem is in my head

ducking the shells of incoming tinnitus bombs

so Peru and Australia thanks for passing by so far

I'll try and write The Floods have Gone

later on

I sent a message to Italy during my Tinnitus time

maybe only they have the influence to help with my Tinnitus

But God is Good as my mother always used to say

and maybe a Gate will open somewhere else

meanwhile I'll go back to bed and continue my disjointed life

I'd rather make you laugh than cry, but Tinnitus is so shocking

If you could see how I look sat here you would laugh

Fluffy fawn dressing gown, Reebok trainers, and yes they are good, and a bumblebee

body warmer. with a hot drink to warm me up before i go back to bed and pray sleep comes

Or maybe it's a plot from God to get me to pray during my Tinnitus time

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