Thursday, 17 June 2021

Afternoon all, 10 counties over on Wordpress and 7 here, so far today

Afternoon all, 10 counties over on Wordpress and 7 here, so far today

It's like a Geography lesson seeing you all on the map

The  Translations are being downloaded

Still no Postcard from Putin, saying he likes my stuff

Maybe I'm not Goodenough or is it GoodenOFFOFF

Jaw Jaw is better than War War, so keep on talking

If the energy and money spent on Military

on all sides was put into saving the Planet

Then we'd solve it easily

My reply to all the woke nonsense 


Be Nice, to Everybody, as Les Dawson used to say

Just Be Nice, you can Google Les Dawson

sitting on a bench in drag, legs spread wide

Readjusting his Busoms 

Pure British Comedy

and listen to Around the Horne

on the BBC, go Google


I heard the repeats years later, but Prince Charles would have been

listening under the bed clothes at boarding school

That and the Goons

Anyway, don't fall in the water

Enjoy, far funnier than anything I'll ever write

Now get lost. all of you, but DO BE NICE

I have to fall in the water right now

I need a bath, even the swarming flies are complaining

See there are no flies on me

Oh, please yourselves, what kind of school did you go to

Borstal, so good it was approved

just be NICE

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far