Friday, 1 May 2020

Merry Month of May

Merry Month of May

well I hope you all liked my Shakespeare and the Vampires story

it was inspired by my kids watching The Originals

if you watch the show, the wording does sound very Shakespearian to me

if they were as good as Royal Shakespeare crowd it would be even better

my small daughter has in fact been to the Globe in London

so come  and visit when the bastard Covid is spent asunder

Today we have Peru and Korea reading my stuff over these 4 sites

3 blogger and my wordpress

and it you want my original English in book form then

Amazon  is the place to go

So it is a bit mind blowing, from Peru to Korea reading my rubbish

though can you guess what they have in common with me?

Apart from being so good looking girls swoon

Ok, that's too far fetched

But San Martin de Porres is my Confirmation name

and  both Peru and Korea has a strong catholic faith

perhaps we should start a Rosary circle

All faiths are great, I was born with my version

Now, I may write another story later

after I unblock the toilet, the things that daughters eat and

then block toilets with is unbelievable.

Though when I was in Shanghai in 2007, I think, we stayed in a central hotel

and the mother in law brought dumplings, still warm from the kiosk

and yes you've guessed it, afterwards the hotel had a problem. TWICE

Though the Porter there did get the biggest tip of his Life when we left

I explained that I did his job in the past, so solidarity meant I had to reward him

and the mother in law did the same, so he got very big tips TWICE

which is balance considering what happened after the buns

Another Memory, another Story

If only the Kpop speed typist arrives from  Korea and then I can finish writing

Tears for  a Butcher  the sequel to  The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

but I'll settle for Covid to disappear, before Trump nukes anybody

How many Rosaries need we pray before he resigns?

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...