Friday, 29 May 2020

Trump Twitter Graphs

Trump Twitter Graphs

these are simple

like a colouring book for a child

here's how it works

2 or 3 dials on a page, like in your car

1st dial
number of infections
2nd dial
number of tweets
3rd dial

you can display in colours

how many Tweets did Donald do

So in a flash everybody can see

You can have the DATE at the top of page


dial 1       dial 2        dial 3

so even people with no Attention Span

can see in a flash what was happening

you can improve on the design

such as the Tweet dial makes a noise

you could also have the unemployment dial

you can have the golf dial with tee off sound

keep it simple no  more than 3 dials per page

you could also have a Banner Flash

Terrible Trump


Dunce  Donald

and a sea washes him  away  in any colour you like


we are told USA folks have low attention span
that's how Donald distracts and gets away with stuff

WE'll have Donald go to the Skies today

and claim all the credit

so obviously the cartoon

overlays LSD  Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

because with 40 million now unemployed

only he would Tweet

now you can draw this simply

and put it on bill boards

on intersections or by food banks


remind everybody Trump is no god

despite what he thinks

and lastly you must register and get off the couch

and VOTE

one man can do much evil if good men do nothing


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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...