Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Tracking Down the Trackers

Tracking Down the Trackers

I spotted where people had come from via the net to reach my site

So it was intriguing

That led to one random email

Then i sent another random email

yes, I  have got nothing better to do

My Tinnitus has been real bad the past few nights

5 am or so before i finally got to sleep

I do have a Dr appointment for it again in the Autumn

Though there is no cure

You, won't get anything new today

But have any of you read all 8000 pages

or all 1,600,000 words yet?

Apart from the AI checking me out, see i spotted you spotting me

Could be a song title

What else, yes 2 pairs of girls shoes on our garden wall, so come and get them

It's too far to go to the charity container

I did not get around to recording more stuff but there are 12 hours on my typepad

Then 40 stories I put on the old SoundCloud thing

Still no door opening for me, though somebody messaged to say they

like the White Door story on SoundCloud

if you like Ghosts you can see me stood in the street outside my old house

Google Street View were passing, so my own ghost stands outside

all you need do is type in my old postcode or zip code as you call it in USA

and there I am standing in the street, getting pour wet etc

What else, we will binge watch the end of the Originals tonight

The Shakespeare parallels amuse me

I'll remember my mother that way, gone 24 years now

if a film  ending was bad she'd say "Far Fetched, Like S*** from China"

meaning beyond belief. She's laugh if she'd lived to see where the wife was from.


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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...