Friday, 1 May 2020

How's your day been?

How's your day been?

I had a lot of pain myself , the old shoulder and chest and stuff due to
Arthritis, an audible click when I move it. thank God for Movelot pain gel
and old fashioned paracetamol, I cannot take other stuff as my kidneys don't like it

Anyway I saw EXTRACTION today, with lots of action in Dacca
I'd give it 9/10 it is very bloody so hide behind your girlfriend
I just loved the ending

So you won't get another story today

Thanks to:-

 UK, USA, Korea, France ,Nepal, South Africa, India, Peru, Malaysia, Russia, Brazil
for passing by and reading my stuff in my English plus 4 or was it 5 other languages via computer translations I've loaded up.

Nobody pays me, but I'd rather be read than dead, or dead unread.
Though I do have dreams.

I did get a fake email in Japanese from Canada

SPURIOUS STUFF GETS IGNORED. Not unless you are a Korean speed typist and a  female Kpop star, maybe Kim's sister from North Korea will ask for Political asylum in sunny Birmingham, and come and type for me while I dictate

Now there's a story idea or cartoon for you all.

Stay happy and don't get arthritis and everything else as I call it.

Michael Casey

aka  the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham, and you an Google

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