Well Fancy That

Well Fancy That
I was talking to somebody today, and I said I used to work on DEC PDP 1170s
So if you google DEC PDP 1170 you get this image
I was still a teenager when I started on these computers
However is you use a plural in your search DEC PDP 1170s
then you get this image 1st.

Image result for DEC PDP 1170s
Lots of images of me, as DEC PDP 1170s   search term.
That’s me at the old house, 98% of the photos are from the old house
So is DEC PDP 1170 so ingrained into me it shows all the images of me.
If you search DEC PDP 1170s
Have you discovered any strange but true Google search facts about yourself?
Are you or your namesake wanted by the FBI or the GRU or the Bobbies on the beat?
Type in your name and click on images and see what you can see.
Type in Putin loves to read Michael Casey and see what you get
I got this
Image result for Putin loves to read Michael Casey
Now type in Donald Trump  loves to read Michael Casey
you’ll probably get nothing as people say Trump does not read, he just basks in Fox news

So that’s today’s thoughts, I may write something later
you could all buy a book or all 18…
nOV 2018A

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