Sunday, 9 June 2019

Mother Russia is reading me

Mother Russia is reading me

I seem to be getting more frequent readers from Russia

So a big thank you to you all, your country is so vast,

it's like playing hide and seek trying to guess where you are in Russia

As I said once before my brother and his now wife once went there

It was a language course, and my brother even got a Birthday cake

So  how about using my comic stories to help teach English in Mother Russia

I think I once emailed Russia today tv station, asking as much

I even emailed The Evening Standard, Russian owned? for a job

Sadly I'd not posh enough for some people, though I can make anybody talk and smile

I was a concierge and a language teacher, and 30+ years a writer

Has anybody got any imagination in Russia?

Can Russian Media people be more adventureous and less stiff?

I'll never know, it's more likely Putin asks can he play the part of the chauffeur

In The Spaceman and The Archangel, which I think is a great story

Anyway I thank all my Russian readers for passing by, I thank any readers for passing by

It's good for my ego to see the map of the world shaded in, more and more

 BBU Russian Translation microsoft word  BBU is Butcher Baker Undertaker

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far