Wednesday, 12 June 2019


Damp ©

By Michael Casey

Well its damp today here in Birmingham, we are drying out after all the rain. Though in other parts it was more like a flood, Noah was seen in the distance and I’m sure I saw 2 birds flying overhead in search of land. Unfortunately Totoro thought this was his Just Eat dinner being self delivered. So Noah is still in the ark waiting for the flood to subside.

The weather really does have an effect on our mood. That’s why yesterday I posted the piece about “the rain falling down” and yes I really did used to have a Korean priest. He was deaf and an IT wiz, he was from Korea after all. A deaf priest is a good thing, especially in the confessional, though if the priest shouts “you did what?” because he cannot hear you, then the whole church can.

But back to damp, when we are damp it slows us down and deflates our mood. Damp is like a weigh about our neck, it makes everything heavy and serious. You cannot be happy if your clothes are clammy or damp, if the sky is grey and there is no blue in the sky. Everything seems grey, just like your underpants because dad did not separate out the colours. Life itself is grey and damp.

You go down the hill to the shops, and even the flowers look dull, it’s as if you are wearing your shades, though I do most of the time. But when it’s damp it’s as if there is a grey filter in the entire air, life is heavy, everything is joyless. Even a pretty girl is not as pretty, it’s as if a boring filter has been placed around her, not enough light in the atmosphere, can God put a shilling in the meter and switch the light on, dispel the dark and damp and dank.

God hears your voice while you are in the shop, as you leave a rumble of thunder, so you try and walk faster up the steep hill. God’s thunder is at your heels like a wolf at the door. The sky is lit up by lightning, is that bright enough for you, God is asking, asking ME to put a shilling in the meter. Lightning rains down around you, that must be a trillion pounds worth shoved in the meter. You jump and are startled, please don’t do that with my heart, you could kill me. God throws another thunder bolt at you, and the heavens open. You are sure you can see Noah body surfing on the lightning and splashing about in the rain.

You get to your house, your heart pounding, your shopping bag full of water as well as oranges. You drop your keys, and as you bend down to pick them up Totoro the cat strikes, your behind is too big a target. You scream, God’s going to kill you.
You are relieved, it’s just the cat, and as you open the front door the sky is clear, the thunder and lightning has washed away all the damp and damp dull colours. Everything is technicolour.

You need shades, everything is big and bold and bright. Your mood lifts, why can’t every day be like this. Then you remember that poem you hated at school, the Wordsworth one, Into every life some darkness must fall.


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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far