Saturday, 15 June 2019

15th June 2019

15th June 2019

15th June 2019
I did not get around to confessing about me being a Pole Dancer, so I may do that tomorrow. The sermon today was about Communications, most of it conforms to my own thinking, I could have written it for them. WE all need love and interaction, not just social media, we all need Truth and to be wise enough to know when anything is LIES or Fake News.
Obviously the biggest LIAR is Trump, go and google it for yourselves, he’s just a glorified salesman, like at the County Fair. Sadly he has suckered 1/2 of the voting public, and others have sold their soul for power.
The other half  that  vote just hate him. Just a few votes in the middle decide.
Now the biggest majority is those who NEVER VOTE.
25% GOP, 25% Dems and 50% on the SOFA.
So that’s why USA is in a mess. Discuss.
USA has been  sold for 30 Pieces of Silver. Discuss
THis is Communications Sunday hence today’s bread on the water.



TRanslations for you all.
Though I’d love for any of you to finally buy my books, or Media companies to discover me. Or I really may need to become a Pole Dancing to earn food money.
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