Saturday, 8 June 2019

The Homework Club

The Homework Club

The Homework Club ©
Michael Casey

Well as ever I didn’t have an idea to talk about today, I’d just read a piece about George Clooney and Catch22, which could be my own life. And yes my big daughter did say he’d got old, so George I can be your fresher faced stand in, and only 248pounds too, that’s my day rate and real weight. 18 x 14= 252 so I am actually 252pounds now. So you owe me 4 quid George. Other than that we are exactly the same.

Before a role George has to do his homework and look at my picture and remind himself just how good and cool he could look if he looked like me. He has to read a lot and get the feel and the look under the skin, so he can become Michael Casey, ok just teasing George, but I do have peanut butter on my shoes, only you cannot eat mine.

He has the original book to read, a film to watch, and he will sit and talk around the topic, and loads and loads of stuff. If you catch him in the toilets you can corner him with conversation. But make sure you haven’t got peanut butter on your shoes.

Which brings me to today’s topic, The Homework Club. My big daughter is here with me in the “study” as week 2 of her A Levels continue after the weekend, so she is working hard. She listens to music to help her along the path. As Tinnitus irritates me so much she plays it aloud so I can share an inoculation to Tinnitus while she studies. I have my music and she has hers, but at the exam time she is Queen so her music is played and I share it, and try not to make any noise to distract her as she studies. Which means no loud farting, or too much moaning because of the pain. So I leave the room and slap on the Movelat and return. In the “study” all manner of girls’ music choice plays as she studies, Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Philosophy.

A former classmate of hers does play Drums, so I am lucky I am not her dad, think of the noise. Meanwhile in our kitchen my small daughter has invited a couple of friends to sample her cooking. Though that will be a great experience, as my small daughter is turning into a little chef, one day I hope Delia Smith meets her. My aunty Delia was the kindest and fattest relative I had, and a great cook too, 17 stones and only 5 feet tall. If my small daughter becomes like her then I’d be so happy, though without all the weight. As for my small daughter’s friends, they have to sing for their supper. They are Maths specialists, so they are giving my daughter advice in exchange for their dinner. Due to diet and religious observances they will be getting pasta, which I don’t like as I think it’s too bland. So there will be no slops for me to have.

I imagine there are kids up and down the country who need a bit of friendly patient help in a variety of subjects. Teachers need to listen, not just tick boxes. At my big daughter’ 6th form college a couple of teachers were let go, because they were not up to the job. The job is teaching, which means is listening and being engaging. And transferring knowledge from your head into the kids head. When I was an Esol teacher I got, excellent, excellent and exemplary as my external assessment,just so you know. And that’s why I think all my writing could be used as a Teaching Aid, so Educational Publishers do get in touch fast.

In Tom Sawyer, he’s made paint the fence, but he turns it around, and gets the other kids pay him for the honour of painting the fence. We’ve all seen it on tv, and now I speak of it I can actually remember reading the book in class4 at Primary School. So it is with friends, somebody is good at this or that,so you trade skills. At school age, don’t pay through the nose to some stranger. Pay a quarter as much or not at all, just get some nice food in the house and get your child’s friends to help. Or in our case, or should I say Caseys my kids arrange it for themselves, my job is to just stay out of the way, and let them get on with it.

There is pride in knowledge, you have finally worked it out, you understand, the shade has been lifted from the light. It really is easy, once you know it is easy. You have lost your virginity of ignorance. That’s why the Printing Press was loathed by the masters, because it meant all of us, the common man could learn to read. And yes there is no one more common than me, but I am the common denominator, which as you all know if a Maths expression. If I can write then all of you in the 60 places that read me, in the many languages that read me, all of you can write. All of you can do maths, all of you can do anything. Because as we share bread at a table, we teach each other many things, and through friendship and love we expand our knowledge. And if you have what you think is peanut butter on your shoe, don’t taste it, just ask George Clooney to do that for you.

Translations Galore
PORTUGUESE BBU2019China BBU-convertedChina BBU-convertedВ поисках индийской принцессыWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015win Wiersze dla wszystkich페이지 1 Quick Stories KOREANMichael Casey The Polish TranslationsPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015polish Guardian AngelThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish TranslationsСтраница 1ЭТО МОЙ ЛИФТ ADインドのプリンセスを検索するには – Copyページ1 Quick Stories in Japanese아직도 살아있는 2015shoplife spanishJapanese elevator AdvertBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish Examples50 Spanish Examples300 وBBU in ArabicBBU in HebrewBBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)bbumar2008-en-zh-cn-1KOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 201550 Spanish ExamplesBBU FrenchBBU GermanBBU in KOREANBBU Russian Translation microsoft word아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015Spanish BBUThe Polish Translations


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