Sunday, 30 June 2019

I wa s just listening to myself

I was just listening to myself

michaelgcasey’s Profile | Typepad

I was just listening to myself, well nobody else does.
Anyway I played back a piece from my typepad above.
I recorded all of them in one take,just as I write them in one take.
I realise the sound recordings could be better if I had practiced more
However 5 to 10 a day was the most I could record and I found it draining
You have to perform when you record after all, ask Jay Z or anybody else
There are 200 or so recordings, about 12 hours worth, so  if you  are on a carry ferry
going somewhere you can annoy everybody by playing my voice through your speakers
Though Posh Birmingham may be considered sexy to some
That’s all for today, I’ve been busy reloading my music to my old mp3 player
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