so maybe no new story, I may repost an older one, but here on the main site there are
2400+ pieces of writing
so just have a look
Camila Harris did well last night in the Dems road show
A Black Woman beating Trump now that would be Heaven
a double humiliation in Trump's own eyes
Or will the Dems stick with Pensioners?
USA needs somebody with Dignity, not shamelessness
or are we still in the Reality TV era?
Meanwhile Trump and the Press pack are no doubt reading my stuff while in Osaka
Or are they all in one of those Private Hotels?
As for me my K drama ended so I found another, only I recognised the sound of the language
it was Chinese. The settings looked very 5 star, much wealthier than Birmingham
However the Dancing was not up to Korean standards so that gave the game away,
Chinese not Korean. It does look very funny though. So I encourage you all to watch these series
subtitles and all.
Tinnitus still annoys, though my writing might be that little bird saying "Forevermore" in your ear
English Lit students will get the reference, or people my age that did that Eng Lit text.
Please do spread the word via your Social Media where to find my words, I get lonely talking to
myself. In the end I will get noticed and make some money for my daughters.
Being read in 7 languages is the current daily record, and being read as far away as New Zealand
too, with up to 60 countries so far reading my words. Though it might just be an airline pilot trying
to avoid me. You are all so cruel. I did know several airline pilots, they used to stay at the hotel, one
used to roll an orange under the bed to make sure nobody was hiding there. He used to visit some
very strange places, hence that habit.
So stay pure, and come back again for more stories

persianBBUPORTUGUESE BBU2019China BBU-convertedChina BBU-convertedВ поисках индийской принцессыWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015win Wiersze dla wszystkichThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationspolish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translations페이지 1 Quick Stories KOREAN아직도 살아있는 2015ページ1 Quick Stories in Japaneseインドのプリンセスを検索するにはインドのプリンセスを検索するには – CopyЭТО МОЙ ЛИФТ ADСтраница 1shoplife spanishJapanese elevator AdvertBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish Examples50 Spanish Examplesbbumar2008-en-zh-cn-1BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وmy new bedBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU in KOREANBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish TranslationsSpanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015
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