Common Sense
Common Sense
I know a lot of you will be smiling at the very thought of Me and Common Sense
When I write a lot of comedy/humour
That’s when I’m not following the News, 50 years worth
So here’s some Common Sense
The Stock Market is Gambling
Its Hope, sometimes without Reality
Donald, folks don’t always have shares
Your own “value” has dropped 33% you are only worth 2 billion now
Tell the 40,000,000 Unemployed that stocks are high
It means NOTHING to them, as they don’t have any shares
Though we all share a common Humanity
We all can get Covid 19
We can’t all hide in a bunker or a bubble
We can all get arrested, though for some this is fatal
We can all protest
We can all be brought to our knees by Gas
So a Faker can hold up a book he’s never read
We can be abused by those in power
The Law can be perverted by the powerful
But there is equality before God
And all of us are God’s children
We get to vote out, those we can never never never trust
So have a little patience friends
Sign up for the vote
Make sure you do that
Know the A to Z, of voting
Prepare and be ready
November will come
And just like the Autumn leaves, a Tyrant will Fall
Trump is NO Churchill, and even if he was
Remember this, He was Voted out
And so will you be
For In God we Trust

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