Thursday, 18 June 2020

Dear Donald

Dear Donald

Dear Donald,
Finland is a separate country, it is not part of Russia
We know you failed Geography, I have your school reports
Thanks to your niece who provided them
If you were employing a gardener you would check him out
If he had a series of Non Disclosure Agreements
Say with 17 women
If he lost $3,000,000,000 and was NOT personally liable
If he hid his taxes, or lack of them
If he asked could we nuke a hurricane
If he changed his political affiliations
If he changed his wife, twice
If he refused to show his medical records,
gardening is so physical after all
If he abused everybody he did not agree with
Good men becoming, sad losers
If he tried to block news or even books about him
If he had stand up shouting matches with everybody
If he had to embrace his own body to hold in his temper
If he even used a Sharpie to deface official weather forecasts
and weather is so important to a gardener
If he claimed he had a Bible, but never actually read it
If he just liked photo opportunities
But did no actual work
If this, if that, and a lot of the other
What would the picture in the selfie be
And would you give the gardener a job
A gardener is in your home, the heart of your family
So would you like a person like this around
Or would you say, no way
Look in the Mirror and Change says the song
But you never have Donald
Chance the gardener in Being There the film
would make a better President
As for you, resign now, and take Barron golfing
maybe even go to Bible school
For you are schooled in nothing
Except, spite and might
So at least add one good footnote to History
Trump resigned and let a few good men take over
Then in November, Better Men can be voted in
By the People for the People
Learn Humility today, before you end

p.s. in the Bible there is a passage about Love, for if you don't have Love, you will have achieved absolutely NOTHING, I can remember Hart our head boy reading it in the assembly
over 45 years ago

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