Tuesday, 16 June 2020

from Russia with Love

from Russia with Love

well over on Wordpress a Russian Translation is being read

of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

plus some Polish translations

over here somebody was reading more Polish on my Blogger

an old story Grannie Smith and The Soldier has been read

I reread it, probably for the first time since I wrote it 2 years ago

It made me cry, ok, I'm a big softie really, a 120kilo or 256 pound softie

or whatever 18 stones is .

I've got  a bit fatter in lockdown

less up and down the Hill for shopping

You can all find the story for yourselves

the pain monster came out to play for a few hours yesterday

otherwise I'd have finished the next story

So forgive me, and hello to Shep Smith if he is reading  this

He was a quality act on Fox News, pity he was forced out

I am going to put him in a  story when I get around to writing

Tears for a Butcher to sequel to Butcher Baker Undertaker

The ma and pa, apple pie image of USA is what I love

People really are and can be that  nice, so long as HOPE lives

I bought a smart speaker recently and the quality is so good

that it puts other speakers I have in shade

So I may have to save up and get more of the same

though it still is cheaper than a cheap pair of shoes

MUSIC is part of my life, go trawl through my back list

the number of times Music pops up you just will not believe

And Will Young is always with me during my Tinnitus nights

and Eric Clapton even smiled at a joke of mine

so I listen top both of them often

Music is God's breath, God's hope, and God's love

Ask any Gospel or Shona choir, they live it

ok enough for now I may get around to finishing my latest story

I'm still fat, Michael Casey

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...