Friday, 12 June 2020

History and all that

History and all that (c)
Michael Casey

Now I could write a learned piece on 2020 Uproar, 1848 was a year of Revolutions too, but nobody would listen. There is too much anger and steam in the air. Yes justifiable too, but at the moment the pressure has to be released.

Then like a good Peacemaker I'd get you all to sit down and eat together, or I'd make you all do a task to prepare the table for the meal. Some would wash the dishes, others would lay the table with the now sparkling dishes. Others would trim the wick on the candles, while others polished the candelabra.

Others would plumb up the cushions on the chairs, while others tightened the screws on the old chairs, so that the heavy weights would not break the chairs. Perhaps a lick of varnish would be applied too, everything had to be made ready for the guests. A freshly woven table cloth with doves embroidered on it would be placed on the table first before the table was laid expertly, everything had to be perfect.

In the kitchen the Enchilada is being made, the biggest and strongest and maybe the angriest guest is asked to slice and dice lime and then squeeze it into the mix, then his muscles are used to mix in the cheese and he must keep on mixing, as the smallest and weakest among the guest watches over him. Team work must be the order of the day. No lip, no attitude, no anything from anybody, they are guests in a special place, so they must all be on their best behaviour.

Then children bring the dishes to table, as the guests all sit down. Time and care has been taken to  make this an exceptional meal. Everything has been thought of and everybody is welcome, the table is groaning with specialities from all Nations, from all people. As the guests look they realise this is the most amazing feast every, the greatest celebration ever.

This takes place in the square where the church, the mosque, the temple and more meet.  This is Peace Square.  The guests are instructed to eat in silence, as they eat children sneak up, the children sit on the knee of the adults. All the children sat everywhere, no barriers, no segregation. Just as Michael Casey sat on Moses' knee as a child, Moses being a big black man with golden teeth, this  was maybe 58 years ago.

So now the children chatter and are excited, the grown ups as requested eat in silence. And as they eat silent tears fall. The children have educated the grown ups, as has the Good Samaritan who organised the meal in the square. The meal goes on a long time, the children grow tired and fall asleep. The grown ups look at the Samaritan and finally understand. The children are passed till they reach their own parents, and then with every grown up holding their child they leave the table, tears still falling but they are smiling.

Now how I wrote this I really do not know, let's just say God is Good as my Kerry mum always said. She too had a very humble birthplace. But we all have one final destination, lets try and get there in harmony and love.

1920 Kerry Eire mum's birthplace, later a cow shed for 4 cows

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