Saturday, 13 June 2020

Libya reading

Libya is reading an Arabic translation of 300 and Not OUT   over on Wordpress today

So that's nice, I don't think people stop killing each other and have a read of my rubbish

BUT it's far better than actually killing each other

So tell all your friends on FaceBook and Twitter and other mediums

Have a break, read Michael Casey's rubbish

but then they might say Michael Casey is rubbish

I  need to get a bit more sleep now

But when I return I'll try and  write something new

for those of you who have read the 2800+ pieces of writing on this site

Journalists are such smart alecs and speed readers

But do they enjoy it as much as the slowly slowly people

Whatever you may do slowly slowly

Private Prayer in Christian churches starts today in UK

So I may pay a visit to my local church

And if I do, I will pray for all Believers

Soon they can all answer their call to prayer, whatever what they pray

Their is no jealousy in prayer, God reads our hearts

So when you get back to your own houses of prayer

Then pray for me at the top of your list

Even if you just ask God, why is Michael Casey such a fool

ok, I'm going to have a final 2 hours then I'll face the day

as you know I only sleep in 2 hour chunks or less

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In my mind I have tears

Michael Casey Birmingham England Michael Casey SOB from Birmingham England Wednesday, 6 September 2023 message to self maybe  message to sel...