Saturday, 19 February 2022



If you have a 3 to 1 advantage then you win

This is basic warfare

So if Putin wants he can get to Kiev easily

5 hours or so

Straight through Chernobyl which is still radioactive

So is he bluffing

To steal more of Ukraine

Or will he go all the way and rape the land

America is isolationist as ever

And after Covid and Trump is divided

And then the old German chancellor helped with the Pipeline from the East

So it's a perfect storm for Putin to take advantage of

So the question is DO you give in to a Bully

and Pray he goes away

But what would then be next

We could Surround USSR 2.0 with Rosaries and all other kinds of prayers

From everywhere, and I'd encourage you to do that

Or will Ukraine be a sacrificial lamb

Will you unite in switching off the tap of MONEY

Or will self interest be the norm, as it usually is

Meeting in Munich, is so full of Irony

Ukrainians could have to decide fight or die, 

or surrender to the bully

Grannies throwing petrol bombs

Fall back positions, don't present a target

Fade away, and attack with guerilla warfare in your own homeland

All this and more

The Longest Day all over again, but in Ukraine

All Satellites should go on livestream to the World

Then every step of the way we can see the Invasion

For what it is

Putin's war

Not a Russian war

Putin's war

One man can change the world

Turn back the clock to USSR

That's why I say  Pray, Hope and Don't Worry

and give Peace a Chance

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...