Tuesday, 1 February 2022

well I did start writing a new piece yesterday, but pain and Kdrama and dinner stopped me

well I did start writing a new piece yesterday, but pain and Kdrama and dinner stopped me

I also discovered just as in USA somebody reads me immediately

There is somebody in Korea too that does the same

Maybe it's a beautiful(in spirit especially) lady who wants to be my speed typist etc

But it could just be a USA serviceman in Korea  who gets an email from his buddy in USA

Then after the tipoff they both read me, and say Casey is RUBBISH

and that's what they have in common HATING MY WRITING

Or it could be Kim in the North, saying I'm not as fat as Casey any more

Because he spent all his money on missiles while his people starve

Quick Stories in Korean is still the most popular thing ever

So thank you all

Tell your Chinese neighbours  that the Chinese Simplified Translation

of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker is ONLINE now

what else as I wait for the pain killers to kick in

Please Mr Putin,  we know Boris is a joke, but would you be mocked in your

country?  would it be allowed? Thats why folks want  Freedom

and not USSR 2.0

Simple, and nobody wants your lands

So use your armies to fix Global warming in Russia

That would be a start

Making war is easy

Making PEACE is so much harder

Watch Miss Grannie a Kdrama that is funny

Watch The Responder a BBC drama with the hobbit guy 

Martin Freeman in it, he was also in Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch

Obviously Sherlock is fab, as are the Movies with Guy Richie directing

Guy Richie's stuff is good too

Maybe if he's bored he'd read The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

it is popular world wide after all, coverage but lacking penetration

So I've ended up being a film reviewer today

For your kids

Switch on BBC Radio 4, and glue the settings so they hear it constantly

Then after 20 years of that, they'll stumble into writing like me

Could you all stand another like me

What if that reader in Korea turned out to be my speed typist and more

and then between us I had sons, just like me

Would that be a Korean Horror Story

Or is that just the 1/2 of it

SCREAM or vomit in the wastepaper bucket by your PC

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and t.co came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...