Saturday, 5 February 2022

Inspector Koo now in my top 3 Kdramas ever

Inspector Koo now in my top 3 Kdramas ever

Vincenzo and Hotel del Luna are the other 2

Really enjoying Inspector Koo

Lots of Comedy and thrills

A Korean Columbo in a mac maybe, but far far prettier even when scruffy

My Tinnitus is screaming right now so I may suddenly stop

It took 2 hours today for the screaming to stop in the morning

Now I'm being screamed at again

So don't talk to me, as it subsides

Tinnitus is a deadly disease so be patience with folks with it

It drives some right around the bend

Yes I know what you are thinking, he's there already

You are so cruel

Anyway also saw Coco, a Disney cartoon, dia del muertos and all that

Your A level students in your house should relax with a film night

All work and no play makes Jack a Dull boy and all that

Ching Ming is what they call it in China

And I was at my father in laws grave in Shanghai years ago

With writing in Chinese on it, apart from son in laws name

michaelgcasey in English on a Chinese gravestone far far away

So if ever you are there and see michaelgcasey on that gravestone

Then say a prayer and leave rose petals in my father in laws memory

so I'll finish for today, an Inspector Calls, which is another

A Level text by the way, or so I believe


The Dead and The Living

              The Dead and The Living (c)




                     Michael  Casey



     I first saw a deceased when I was nine years old ,my father said  not


     to worry as the dead are the same as the living ,  only the  laughter


     has left them ,  the sparkle has gone from their eyes , the worry has


     been lifted from their shoulders ,  and their voice has vanished  to


     eternity .


     In  paradise the sparkle will return for it is the  twinkle  of  the


     stars , the laughter will return too for it is the morning breeze and


     the turning tides are their sides shaking with laughter .


     I treat the deceased with the same courtesy as I give to the living,


     though I find the deceased are always more polite .  My father also


     had a few words to say about the living .


     He said that the living are only the caretakers of the  soul  ,  yet


     they think their existence is everything , that they know everything


      because they experience many things with their senses .


      What the living don't acknowledge is that their time is  short  and


      when I lay their bodies to rest then their souls  continue  without


      them ,  without their strong ,  without their weak ,  without  their


      beautiful or even ugly temporary form , to where I cannot say , only


      that it is a better place .


      Percy the undertaker placed the lid on the coffin ,the soul was free



                          THE  BEGINNING



from The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker by Michael Casey  (me)


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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...