Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Go to Confession all of you, I know what you did last night

Go to Confession all of you, I know what you did last night

21 Countries reading me on Valentines Day on my Wordpress

I'll throw a bucket of water over you

Have you got nothing better to do

21 Countries on Wordpress on Valentines Day

And hello Turkey too

11 countries so far today on Wordpress

and 10 Places over here on Blogger

Wash your hands immediately

Go read a book

14th Feb is Give a Book day in Russia by the way

That's why I put my book up for all of them

The Butcher the Baker and The Undertaker by Michael Casey

in RUSSIAN for all of them to read

so the Rosary must have worked, no Invasion

But playing Chicken is INSANITY

At Least Trump will be in a Bunker soon

Clinton was never any good either

And as Obama said, and he agrees with me, take smaller victories

or end up with NOTHING

A mouse nibbles, it does not drag everything away

And that's enough Political Education for today

Anyway thanking Korea and Japan too for visiting

and stray Arabs too

It'll be the Far East that turns me into an App or something

But hurry up, before I die

Recognition and Reward are no use when you are dead

It's pointless, it's what Politicians do

Read Chapter 9 of BBU

M.P. Married to a Person Married to a People

my comic take on an Election

and with that I'll finish for today

I did have Any News as an idea for a new piece of writing

But the pain monster has arrived so I'll file that in my head

If I had that Korean Kpop/Kdrama speed typist

I could dictate a new piece in 5 mins

If she could type that fast

Instead of an hour

But your all spared

for now

Malta 2013 April, probably my last ever holiday

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and t.co came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...