Friday, 11 February 2022

11th Feb 2022 Taiwan Comedy Horror

saw a film last night, not very good

Taiwan Comedy Horror

I should have stopped 1/2 way

The Koreans are better at it

As for pure Horror Then The Grudge by the Japanese

see link at top of page

I have to find a Comedy to watch next

As the world is far to serious right now

maybe I should go to Goldsmiths and study Anthropology via Film

What else, my sleep is better, though I still wake up constantly

BUT when I finally wake in the morning

The TINNITUS attack in my head lasts an hour till it calms down

Back to films saw end of Black Panther  gave it an 8/10 for what I saw

My small daughter saw all of it and gave it a 9/10

I'll watch all of it some other day

I saw him in 21 Bridges and a Music Bio Picture

WE really have lost a Treasure, God Bless Chadwick Boseman

I should try to write a story story, but like I said I need a less

Tinnitus head, and an hour to set things down

That's why I say I need a speed typist

a story takes you 5 mins to read, but an hour to write

So I could dictate and then I could carry on creating more stories

Though I know it'll never happen

But God is good, maybe I'll be surprised some day

Maybe after 9 years of various pains and Tinnitus 3.5 years add on

It'll go away

17 countries so far today/yesterday on Wordpress

10 countries here on Blogger so far

Even in far away Australia, and the Canadians are have a surge too

Not unless its Truckers stuck in jams, reading me while they honk

What Else can I say, Martin Freeman's Police thing was just too sad and dark

5 hours plus of it. 

And BBC iPlayer is PANTS

the Navigation is TERRIBLE, go back to start do not collect  a bag of coke

Start from the Beginning again and again

Like having a foot nailed to the floor

BBC fix your iPlayer it is PANTS

And back to Martin Freeman's Police thing

Clear AUDIO and a bit more light

Atmosphere my big fat hairy backside

Its just annoying, speaking with my Film Buff hat on

I'm old enough to remember Sgt Dixon of Dock Green

and I've seen the original Film too, with Bogarde in

Tic Tak  scenes were brilliant for their time

Footnote, I used to have a neighbour called Dixon

her son was a Policeman and made Sgt.

So he really was Sgt. Dixon

he used to live in Dog Kennel Lane too, 

I did see him once on a Police horse too

He'd be nearly 70 now or even more

That's your lot stay Happy Always 

a tired me lying on the sofa behind my computer, waiting for my speed typist and Kpop star to arrive

 › wiki › Ju-On:_The_Grudge

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...