Wednesday, 9 February 2022

9th Feb 2022 update and The Scream


9th Feb 2022

Well an old copy of Don Camillo Omnibus arrived, so if I can read the small print I'll start on it

I have read all the Don Camillo several times before, but a message appearing with a month's delay

made me decide try Don Camillo again

Maybe Putin should read it too

This omnibus from 1955 does not have everything

The one I had before did, but I thought I'd never read it again

So I passed it on to 2 Polish lads who read all our old books

We donated them when we moved house

So hello to them and their mum and dad

You can Google Don Camillo for yourselves, and even find stories online

A Catholic priest and a Communist Lord Mayor who fight like cat and dog

But who really are like brothers, and they were Partisans in the war, WWII

Mr Trout my History teacher told me about Don Camillo in 1975 or so

And yes as ever my Tinnitus in the morning is Horrendous

Like that picture the Scream


yes this is me every morning when I wake up, the Tinnitus is that bad for an hour, till it settles to its daytime levels

NO I am NOT joking

Tinnitus is serious

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...