Tuesday, 12 October 2021

What does it really mean?

What does it really mean?

people may ask that when I send a random email during my Tinnitus time

Basically I'm as good as anybody, and so are you

So email the world, and you may get lucky

Same as smile at that girl, she may actually like you

and not because you are a rich and vacuous

she may see the real you

and not because they pulled your pants down

in the print room, and yes somebody tried that on me

So meaning is revealed

same as feelings

Nothing should be suddenly just gently  gently does it

Like Barry White sings

Anyway in a book there is a story

and on face value that it is it

Just like The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

go look at the story line as advertised on Amazon

Then don't say its a Ma and Pa book as Ed said 20 years ago is it

Look deeper

What is it all about, Alfie

which was a film you can check out

Michael Caine in his prime, and Cilla Black singing

So what is my book all about

It is about Love and Family and lots of laughs

The Family is the street of shops

And there is faith in there too

without pushing anything

It makes you think, if you are able

A community coming together to save the day

Not some pompous story of morality tale

Just a feel good, because the end is good

Then when I watched Star Trek the parable 

became clear without obscuring the story

Not Slap Stick Telegraphed like Americans love

Just that felt  good

Then if you look at that society on the page

and look at your own world 

I hope you might say, that was just a story

but my street my city my country

might be better that way

all of us working together for good

not fighting one another

but fighting for the love of a child

Now I hope this illuminates a bit

any of you receiving one of my Tinnitus emails

The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

is based on the street where I grew up

but it can be anywhere any place

in the world, where we stand united 

and not being divided

by lies.....

you should be able to work that out simply

And by the way 3 Arab countries over on my Wordpress

So I'll load up Arabic Translations and put them

all on one Page The Arabic Collection

so you can all have a read in one place

and not just because we have an Arabic

connection in the family

There's Hebrew too online already

And it kind of all starts in a.....

go read the book

don't be lazy

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Missed a day 9/3/25

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