Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Man of Steel and Michelangelo

Man of Steel and Michelangelo 

I was going to watch a documentary of Michelangelo

I even started watching it on Sky Arts, so bad it it's now on freeview

But it turned out to  be on about a Theory and not really Michelangelo

The presenter was terrible too

He was connecting Michelangelo to Waco Texas

So I watched till the first ad break and then decided enough was enough

The Sistine Chapel looked like Simpsons kind of art works

Was this just the Post Restoration Art works

Then it moved to Assisi, where I've been

So I was most disappointed, and the talker only made me

want to walk as far away as possible from him

And Yes, I could do a much better job than him

So he was most disappointing

The Naked Chef on telly is a far greater presenter

and the food programme is much better than the Art

though some say Food is Art

So I watched Man of Steel instead, which I had not seen before

It seemed a little dark and brooding, very atmospheric

But not quite enjoyable, yes watch it if that art programme was on

But really a K drama would have been far better

And the final battle in Man of Steel did seem to last too long

Though when he fought back with all his might

It did remind me of my own daily battles with Tinnitus and pain

in the night

Which reminded me of Faith, sometimes that is all that is left

So thank God for that

I'm no man of steel, though I am the son of a blacksmith

And Faith and Love is all that's left of the table

when your Health is gone, and you are hisses at by Tinnitus

So I'll dream of Art tonight and hope it keeps pain and tinnitus

away as I lay in my bed

I stumbled over this and it's Art and Faith combined

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