Monday, 2 August 2021

Morning all I hate the stench of dope in the air, it stinks and gives me a headache

Morning all I hate the stench of dope in the air, it stinks and gives me a headache

So wherever you are in the neighbourhood STOP STOP STOP

I cannot even open my study windows because of the STENCH

Meanwhile Brunei is reading me today over on my Wordpress

and countries far and wide

My Tinnitus continues to curse me at night

So this bear does not want any SKUNK in the air

I want to VOMIT

and that on top of all my pains is a pain too much

Apart from that I'm happy enough

I had to clean the drain today, so I took a photo and sent it to my daughter

Told her it was my dinner

That's what plastic bags are for scooping out the rubbish from the drains

So  that's a double use

I also stumbled over 2 sites in Tinnitus time so I emailed them

They probably find me as useful as a pimple on the bum]

One piece of good news in the news

A judge in UK threw out an employment case

Saying OVER and HYPER sensitivity should not get in the way of Productivity

The Pendulum of History has swung too far

Just be nice to everybody threat them like your mother

Just remember to wipe your feet when you come in and put out the trash on the way out

How simple is that?

Easy, so we all should be doing it already

I still Pray for USA, Trump is such a corrupt person, corrupting everything

He was elected in part by the Religious Right, who sold their soul

Now they are the ones dying the most because they won't Vaccinate

Do you really think he cares for you, Money loves Money and nothing else

The root of all evil is the LOVE of money

in itself it is a tool, you can feed the hungry and heal the sick

with money.

But never love it, money cannot buy you love as the Beatles used to sing

Anyway Brunei if you visit Birmingham I'll teach you English for a fee

and then I'll use the money responsibly 

and it won't be money down the drain

p.s. I'm listening to Pink as I talk to you,  Pink hurts 2B human album, 

      courage song and I don't believe track SO GOOD I cried,

 if you see this Pink I just  remembered a Drain Story, very true so and funny story

so get in touch for that story

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...