Tuesday, 3 August 2021

checking out my scars

checking out my scars

somebody looking at my scars from years ago

Yes it was planned as a Triple

But 6 months later at a review I was told 4 grafts, hence quadruple

So I'm not confused or lying to you

I get people sending rubbish with people on hospital beds 

I'm dying, send me etc

And they are lying, and I delete them

Bekino Faso seems to be a cottage industry in it

Just had a builder at my door asking water

Could have killed me carrying it

so I'm still fuming at that

Never let a stranger in your house ever

even if he is innocent in this case

because you never know

anyway no new story today either

If I had software I could rattle off a tale or two

but I still dream of being The Great Dictator

which was a Charlie Chaplin film

go watch it

yesterday's sea side was from Brighton

a gang of 6 are there painting the town a nice shade of pink

my 2 daughters and their friends

Spotted Russia reading a Russia Translation of Butcher Baker Undertaker

over on Wordpress so hello to them

I can recognise my name in Cyrillic alphabet now

I hope they like the story

It has hidden depths if you bother to read to the end

I am not Shakespeare but I am a Dickens of a writer

ok don't shoot me Tolstoy

the litter of study covers half of the room, a table full of 1/2 opened books

my small daughter is doing her  A levels

On her return from Brighton she'll attack them again

Though when Totoro our cat sneaks in she wipes her bum on Geography

Soil erosion maybe

Then she hides  under the spare wooden chair where the big ted lives

Before climbing on the windowsill  to pose like an Amsterdam lady

If I could draw then you'd get drawings too

That's why my backup site is Cartoons Made from Words

I have this site here, then 2 backups on Blogger

Then Wordpress for people who have never heard of Blogger

Wordpress has more Translations, pasted in and files to download

And yes because I started in computers  in 1978, 43 years ago

I believe in backup and safety

And multiple emails just to store files

I did get my girls to draw front cover designs of BBU and 300 and not OUT

years ago, because they can draw, if they had time I'd rope them in

As a cartoon with each story would be good

One artist we know has now graduated in Media and is now a male model

Though I'll always remind him, I got him to paint my old bathroom walls

Or find Michael's Bathroom on the sites and read how I did it

and yes the Breadknife bit is true

I remember rubbish and extrapolate it

If I could only remember coding as they call it nowadays

I'd be far richer  instead of a donkey in a computer room

I have moved mountains of paper in my life

That's where the muscles come from

And the word muscles has reminded my of GlenBay in Kerry and my aunty Delia

So that'd be another story

That's how my brain works

I don't want to forget anything, I want to observe everything

Jim Reeves has started on my Jukebox on the PC so that's another memory

It would be nice if folks enjoyed or actually read everything

Or will my words be burned on a fire just as "Rosebud" was?

One last thought as Kdrama is calling me

Would a publisher prefer everything, not just the stories

and how do you recognise a good tradesman

Because they glide like a Ballet Dancer


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