Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Does your mother know? a mesage from my Wordpress where the Translations live

Does your mother know?

well it’s morning on the 10th my Tinnitus is screaming

I got up for a parcel

I checked the final total for yesterday, with time zone finish

16, that’s sixteen countries reading me

Does your mother know?

Have you got nothing better to do

As I spread my “pollution” everywhere

So my message to all of you, Trump had his head in the sand

Global warming action must start TODAY

So think small and community, helping and sharing

And each day we begin again, or there will be NO Tomorrow

Meanwhile you can all read my rubbish

If we have something in common, then we are more likely

To Love One another, and not Fight

Covid 19 is a disease about our Mentality more than anything else

As it’s making the world madder and sadder

But you can break that chain, be being a new rock, a pierre for everybody

If you have read The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

you should have spotted all that, the Love, Humour and Humanity

No, I didn’t plan a poncy posy book, I want you to laugh, cry and laugh again

Obviously a lot of the stories are true, I’ve just glued them together with

my spit, so I hope my words are worth all your spit

So go tell everybody, no need to climb any mountains

I have readers in Nepal already, just hit send and tell the global family

FART , rasping smelly pants changing FART

It was sounding too “holy” there, just be nice to each other

So I’ll go off and change my pants before my delivery man arrives

Calcutta Surprise in the book was like that

that’s how Patrick finally got his wife

Now be gone, and have a happy day today

We never say “nice day” in uk, that’s for Americans

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Missed a day 9/3/25

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