Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Allo Allo la belle France je suis ici

Allo Allo la belle France je suis ici

So you all spiked at 3pm is that 4pm French time

Thanks, je vous remerci

I won't be writing anything ew today after all

I've watched D*P the Korean Military Police Kdrama

Engrossing, and Brutal, but also great tv

so tell your friends in the CRS, maybe they'd watch it too

if they want a holiday il y a un voleur pres de nous

peutre etre un CRS peut avoir une petite promanade 

et on verra que si se passe, je vous remerci

Anyway I'll paste in The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker 

French Transation file so you can all read it

You are not all at the Ecole in 

Caudebec en Caux

I visited the staff room, and enjoyed dinner with cider back in 83 or 84

but ca c'est un secret

Now if you all like praying, you can  add me to you list

The Tinnitus is howling like a ZZtop in my head

otherwise, I'll get back on the horse and write a new piece

But if you've found this site there are 3400 plus pieces of*&&^

SO it must be a punishment from your teacher

Mr Notzing my French teacher was the best teacher ever

Because he tested us, every single week for 4  years

That's the reason why my French is any good

Mr Long who was in France with the Resistance he was my teacher

for the first year, but Mr Notzing took over for 4 more years of Grammar school

My general pains are not so bad totay, c'est un manage enchante 

if  got the French right, a magic roundabout of pain

up and down my body and around again

SO exercise and eat healthily 

my cat Totoro just appeared, so I'll finish for today

and you know why  I have a cat...

OUT이 아닌 300Downloadkorean-translation-still-alive-2015DownloadKOREAN Quick StoriesDownloadkorean-translation-still-alive-2015Downloadbbu-in-koreanDownloadall-for-koreaDownloadoutec9db4-ec9584eb8b8c-300-1Download

Arabic Altogether NowALL for KoreaKOREAN Quick StoriesWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015Wydanie polskie Still Alive 2015 – Copywin Wiersze dla wszystkichVietnamese Translation The Butcher The Baker and The UndertakerTURKISH tRANSLATION OF bbuThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationsspanish-bbuSpanish BBUportuguese-bbu2019abcportuguese-bbu2019abcportuguese-bbu2019PORTUGUESE BBU2019polish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translationschinese translation BBUchina-bbu-converted-1China BBU-convertedChina BBUbengali-translation-of-bbuBengali Translation of BBUbbu-russian-translation-microsoft-wordbbu-italian (2)bbu-in-arabicbbu-germanBBU UrduBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU ITALIANBBU IndonesianBBU in KOREANBBU in Indian HindiBBU in HebrewBBU in HebrewBBU in ArabicBBU in Indian HindipersianBBUPORTUGUESE BBU2019В поисках индийской принцессыWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015win Wiersze dla wszystkichThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationspolish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translations페이지 1 Quick Stories KOREAN아직도 살아있는 2015ページ1 Quick Stories in Japaneseインドのプリンセスを検索するにはインドのプリンセスを検索するには – CopyЭТО МОЙ ЛИФТ ADСтраница 1shoplife spanishJapanese elevator AdvertBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish Examples50 Spanish Examplesbbumar2008-en-zh-cn-1BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU in KOREANBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish TranslationsSpanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015   

It is nice to see every day where you all are as you read my stories

It is over 80 places worldwide

I’ve covered all the major language groups and you can all buy my Original English

on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Michael-Casey/e/B00571G0YC/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1

I only read emails in ENGLISH with a decent subject line and I never click links

Junk emails just get deleted unread

Now curl up in bed and read my stories


for my Oriental Readers in Korea, Japan and China

for my Oriental Readers in Korea, Japan and China

I will be writing Father Dan's Altar Boy  later today 31st August 2021

I'll post it in Korea, Japanese and Chinese first

with my Original English below

so the 3 of you can say you read it first

My pain attack kicked off at 4pm, it's 1am now

So that's 9 hours of fizz and pain

Even a bit of sleep did not shake it

And I missed my dinner too

I got up and am talking to you

After beef and tomatoes on garlic and coriander bread with 2 mugs of coffee

and a bowl of ice scream

As my head was screaming I had an idea for a story

Though Classical Chilled music is very good

So I may try that through the night, as I fight tinnitus for sleep

So I was thinking, as I have yet another dark night of the soul

And I have many

What use am I

All the pain, hobbled and useless

So I reminded myself of the very old lady in Lima and her Rosary

and I thought of Fr. Dan too, Mrs Murphy's favourite priest

I though of Tears for a Butcher, the finale,  thats if. ever write the 600 page sequel

It'll probably never get written, not unless my Korean Kpop girl arrives to speed type it

and then have 4 kids with me and form a Kpop band, etc

It's madness and lunacy, and hope and love beyond reason

But anyway as I had my dinner at Midnight

a thought came to me

I may be battered and broken, and pushed to the very edge

To the Gates of Hell itself

Which was another story I wrote

And it could have been my very last, in 2014, before my still in Xmas time

Unplanned Quadruple heart bypass, I went in 3rd Jan 2015 and had op on 13th Jan 2015

But I thought to myself, at least I can do a few things, even if they seem without worth or meaning

Little Flower and all that, and I was in Liseux in 1984

So as I ate, and really enjoyed my simple meal

I thought, I can write, I can write

Then I thought of the sequel I'd never write, Tears for a Butcher

Just fragments down on paper, a mixed up jigsaw

So I wanted to write more, as my head fizzed, and it is still fizzing

So a priest always has an Altar Boy

So I thought about that, I was an altar boy for 8 years

And a reader at Mass for 5 of them, I even got roped in to do the reading

at my now dead sister's wedding, 40 years ago

So I'm thinking what would I write, as I ate my vine tomatoes

Which have stopped the free fall on my kidneys, GFR 29 and all that

So I'm thinking I can only do what I can do

Which means I'll bore you with Father Dan's Altar Boy

I won't give anything away, I have it all in my head, but in the morning I put it down

It would be far easier if I had my speed typist right now

So that's a heads up as they say, or a Trailer

I effectively missed today, because of pain and hiss

Though I have discovered Chilled Classics

And if I write down the story, I won't have wasted Time

though my dad used to say When God made Time He made Plenty of it

So don't waste your time on rubbish

Do something useful with you time

All of you can write or sing or draw

Or encourage

or best of all PRAY

Monday, 30 August 2021

For what it's worth

 For what it's worth

Everybody thinks its a right to go to University

Even though they cut and paste their degree

Give them a grant for an equal amount to start a business

Taxi cab, or cafe, or IT whatever

Yes  a cat amongst the pidgeons

Or go work in a hotel, that's an experience

As a student of the news, ok I flick through the papers online

TOO MUCH SCREAMING and Headlineisms

Then the reality is different

Papers should be read, but the Quality is getting worse

Too much like. News of The World, or National Enquirer

Radio 4 news is the very best

Pictures can get in the way

And too much backward and forward introductions

Just state it, that's why Radio is Best

and yes 20 years of constant Radio 4 was a very good education for me

Before I started writing over 33 years ago, so a life long love of words

Fim Review

Man in Love a Taiwanese film very touching

D*P a Korean series about Military Police is very good, and funny too

Cruella the Disney film is a must 10/10 use of Music in it FAB too

And yes watch the original with subtitles as dubbing is rubbish

I've got 6 or so more Kdramas lined up too

If my Tinnitus would go away and let me sleep I'd be happier

And when my pain attacks come,  they are longer and hurt even more

SO read Rubic Cube Life, and You Try my Life on my sites

Then maybe your eyes will open, and you may even say thank you

Otherwise if you are reading this from afar, don't send me rubbish

I may be in chronic pain, but I'm not STUPID

I did read somewhere a guy with a heart transplant has now reached 90

But the obvious question is how old is the heart inside him

So he has had 30 years Grace

I found photos from when I built my daughter's Dolls House

I looked bad then, far too fat, though could you tell the difference to now

Anyway I've had 6.5 years extra time, but in the middle of the night 

with no sleep and screaming in pain, I do sometimes wonder

So I hope I can last a long time more, it won't be 30 years

5 or 6 till both daughters graduate.

Quality is better than Quantity

Which brings me back to newspapers

He was only 85 etc

It used to be three score and ten, if you remember your Bible

Where is Reality in the News, instead of Reality Tv Personalities

Think on that, I have to twist the Cube and get a bit more sleep

Or are we all full of self deceit

Friday, 27 August 2021

3426, that's the number of posts here, Some are Stories which go into books others are chats, like this

3426, that's the number of posts here, Some are Stories which go into books others are chats, like this

so you won't see this in a book

Anyway 14 nations yesterday on Wordpress

Today 7 nations so far on Wordpress

Never as much spread here on Blogger

Though this site, this Blogger in front of you has the most stuff

I write for Everybody, and 90 plus Nations must agree

Obviously with a family coming from Kerry, catholic with a small c  inside me

I have very catholic tastes too, catholic means universal by the way

just in case you do not know

though I always used to say to my muslim students, pray for me, once a day

I was an Esol English teacher for a year in an Islamic school, a decade ago

I grew up at work being the sole person with any faith

the bar was nearer than any church

though the spirit in my workmates was better than many professing faith

it's what you do that matters not hot air

Parable of the 2 sons, the worker and the shirker

Remember that, the one that actually worked

Not the liar the lazy one

Just mentioning this in passing

Too many selfies in the media, and no depth

I could get on my hobby horse but won't I'd probably break its back

Lockdown belly and all that

Too much screaming in the news too

And not enough listening and healing

Maybe we should all just shut up and pray

Get your Rosaries out today

Whatever Faith or None you are

A little peace does go a long way

and yes as I write comedy, ok humour, here's something which

is written with love/faith/humour and reminds all us catholics

of our mum's and hello to any mums reading this

15 May 2020 — ALL in ONE place Translations Galore OUT이 아닌 300Download ... I've updated this 30th June 2021 I'm Michael Casey from Birmingham England, ...

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

25th August 2021 Wednesday at 1pm what were you all doing in France?

25th August 2021 Wednesday at 1pm what were you all doing in France?

As a spike of a few hundred readers appeared its 6 hours later now

So I went back to bed to finish my Tinnitus sleep

after I had been up for a few hours

When  I returned to the land of the living

you had spiked in france

so Thanks for that

a French Translation of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

is over on my Wordpress

En Francais Le Boucher La Boulangere et L’Undertaker by Michael Casey, ca c’est moi


Published by michaelgcasey

I've updated this 30th June 2021 I'm Michael Casey from BiThough my head is screaming so much with Tinnitus

It might just explode like in a horror movie

Zombie Detective was fab on Kdrama land

Its all in the Mind

 somebody was reading this from 6 years ago

so I've brought it back

just stumbled over this as I had a cup tea before back to bed  I did let Totoro out too

Thursday, 3 September 2015

sept 2015

just stumbled over this as I had a cup tea before back to bed  I did let Totoro out too

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Its all in the mind

It’s all in the Mind ©
By Michael Casey

I was thinking about styles of writing, and how some writers are more explicit than others, and some just cannot write anything, they are bad writers. Selling millions does not make you a good writer, some readers will accept badly written words because the story is good. Me, if the storyteller is bad I just don’t want to know, I have to put the book down.
So let me try and write something and see if I can put pictures in your mind, without actually being explicit, if you like a blind man telling a story. 

When I first met Annette she was the love of my life, I just had to A her, and in reply she just had to B me, so we Aed and Bed  for a few weeks as we got to know each other. Then it got deeper, I Ced her and she Ded me, I then Eed her on her neck and she Fed me all over my, my, well you’ll have to imagine it for yourself.

Then the landlady threw a bucket of water over us, as if we were dogs in the street, though we were of course nothing like that at all. So we went back to her place to dry our clothes off. We hung our clothes on the fireguard in front of the fire. We were almost Ged, but not quiet. But as I looked at her and she looked at me, Nature decided to joint in. I Hed and she Jed, we were both embarrassed and happy at the same time, Nature is Nature after all, you don’t need a subscription to the National Geographic to know that.

So removed what was left of our clothes, we were now proudly naked in front of each other and the steaming fire guard. We Ked to the floor and she began to L and I Med, Led and Med over and over. Steam was coming from us now, not just the fire guard. We stopped to N, it’s important to N, so we Ned, before we Oed, and Oed and Oed again. Oing is Oing, all with toing and froing.

We stopped for a pint of Stella Artois, two in fact, a third we poured over our bodies. As the steam rose we continued, Peed as farts we continued, Qing and Qing, slow, slow, quick quick slow, we Qed and Qed. Then we Red, and Red, we needed a little rest after all, so we Red and Red.

Then we Sed and Sed with renewed vigour, started again with renewed vigour. Then we hit a T, so we Ted it, we knocked it high in the air and chipped it, a tee shot, which was a birdie. The we tried a bit of U, just for variety we Ued and Ued again, we were giving it the full alphabet after all. Then we Ved, we just had to V, a V is essential in a full relationship. The steam from the washing on the fireguard rose even more, as did the steam from the Stella Artois on our bodies.

Then we Wed, we had enough energy left so we Wed, we were breathless, we were Xed, totalled Xed, we were exhausted. Then we had another pint of Stella Artois before we went for the Y, a Y just had to be done, why we Yed I’ll never know. We did it, we had reached nirvana, we were exhausted and smelt of Stella Artois. Our clothes were dry, so we covered our nakedness, but not before we had a quick Z, I Zed her and she Zed me, we were so happy.

Thus concludes, it’s all in the mind, I was just teaching you all the alphabet, so I hope you will not need a repeat lesson, the A to Z of whatever it was you were thinking of, me I have no idea what you were thinking of. 

On y soit qui mal y pense as the French say.   

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Korean Red Ginseng for Tinnitus

Korean Red Ginseng for Tinnitus

I read in my Tinnitus time it could help Tinnitus

So I'll be trying that and I'll let you know

I've checked it out, it shouldn't kill me

And if it lessens the noise and lets me sleep

So much the better

I do have an old biscuit tin, which is red with a letter box on 

so if it does kill me, my ashes will go in it

and they can bury it in the garden next to the cat pooh

IN remembrance of me

and yes I get lots of Tinnitus emails that I delete, because I never click links

and this option will cost 8 quid for 6 months worth of extract

so  we shall see.... and hopefully not hear

Next Up maybe

Next Up maybe

well my big daughter went out dining last night with her old school friend

whose name I always get wrong

So I told my daughter she should write a comedy food blog

And the idea stuck in my own mind so you may get that

My small daughter did her Geography A level field work

with 3 of her friends

Ladywood and Brindley Place and redevelopment etc

My niece 10 years ago did field work there, she's even still on the video

Theresa May did Geography at Oxford, before later

staring in a story of mine, as the singer in an Abba tribute band

with Putin, Trump and the Pope

you can find it, it should make you laugh

I'm setting up a band by Michael Casey

or click here


What else Zombie Detective my Kdrama is very funny, a Carry on from Korea almost

You are my Spring finishes today as well, so I'll enjoy and cry over that

A Dr Quack with a heart transplant, and a female concierge

I've clicked on 6 other things that I'll start to watch too

And NO, I don't speak Korean, I watch in Korean with English subtitles

And yes Quick Stories in Korean is my top download , 2000 + 

And if the man or is it the girl runner in a cold place gets in touch

Then I'll send the English original

Meanwhile Egypt and Saudi have been looking

So hello to you too, there are three full books online in Arabic

So you can suffer in your own language if you find them

Vietnam has been looking at me too

Have my model photos turned your head

I think I have a Vietnamese Translation online too

Just google search

or click here


i have to have my dinner now, and a mug of vegetables too

Stay Happy aways and spread the word like butter

Google Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England

Thats it and Poland I have not forgotten you

As a Pole decorated our new house

Monday, 23 August 2021

Male Model Photos. 23rd August 2021

 This my new Blarney Woolen Mills look

my shirts were 10 years old and I'm fatter

so return to the Rugby look

and yes I did play rugby for 5. years at Grammar school

I also had double Latin, 2 hours last thing on a Friday

I survived that, though Tinnitus is killing me at the moment

so cross those fingers, or do you want me to stop writing

don't answer that. 

and by chance I washed and shaved too so no need to hold your nose

11 nations reading today, plus Brunei on wordpress

 So 12 of you, have you got nothing better to do? Thank you My head is exploding and I've slapped on neem on my arthritis shoulder and M...