Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Thank you for Coming Laura

Thank you for Coming Laura came to me as I lay naked on my bed sweating

Already you are forming conclusions

Its 20th July 2021 and we are having a heat wave

And my Tinnitus is roaring

I finally awoke suddenly and it takes 30 mins to an hour to come down

The spike of noise descending from a  rail car on the tracks

To something less

So as I listed to Depeche Mode loud to beat the Tinnitus

I listened to Clean, the Cleanest I've Been

As I read Laura's interview

Tell Laura  I love her

He looked like a self important waiter

She fancied me

I could tell by the way her papers flapped about under the lights

I was in the room


Totally different events and meanings

I hate you I hope yo burn to death, or better still burn in Hell forever

A quote to be used and misused forever

Spoke by a child a lifetime ago

But some would like that remembered most, to brand him, to belittle him

The child became THE POPE

It only affects the over 85s

Brand him forever

Or did it mean, it won't affect the majority, in all its meanings

No, lets brand him instead, it's easier it's lazier, it makes a better headline

Who wants to live Forever, a Queen might sing

It used to be 3 score and ten, and if that's might be all this writer gets

So lets evaluate, let's take things in context

Or be a Daily Male, having it this way and that way, that's what Males do

And knowing nothing about shoes, and large glitter bags serious Journalists have

Don't roll over my mates foot

Why is the waiter more important than the guests

IN service you should be invisible, this writer did do 3 years front of house CPNEC

Now because the girlfriend became the wife, a servant feels left out in the cold

So cold, as cold as a Castle, no Barbara required

Now all the WhatsApps are soiled and sold, for revenge what else

He didn't get to take the boss to bed, though they were strange bedfellows

Instead, this child, this nobody held sway, and he was thrown out like salt

And not even to melt any ice, just thrown away because he had lost  his taste

But he had all the WhatsApps, so he'd use them indiscriminately 

Laura really fancied me I could tell, the look in her eye

I'm so important, she gave me top billing

I just pretended to be chilling, as I thrilling as I tempted her win my nuggets

And on it goes


yes he was, but so were others


but what if it was an accident as a fan was being constructed

No "hitting" actually happened 

Context and Reality are different things

Not unless we were there filming the arse lift and kiss

Only then could we share the heart's desire

And only if the record is straight can we know the full reality

Journalism the first draft of History, but Winners and Time give Reality

Max Hastings knows about that

So lets  take everything with a pinch of salt

The maid could not give the Master what he truly desired 

He was in his head, she was in his bed,  so jealousy and spite

Takes over

Years ago I had to physically restrain my boss when he lost his temper

Holding his wrist so he could not hit me

Everything had gone wrong, and the leader had gone home early

after a night shift

So  I had to face the S****

It became an office legend, I remember this one guy boasted

I saw it I was there

And he was not at the company till a couple of years later

So I know from experience what happens with Reality

So give Time a Chance to Catch Up

Get the full Truth and we will all be far richer

And if The JAB works and Britain is Saved

Who will remember the footnotes of History

And yes, Tell Laura I love her

50 years ago my dad cursing the tv and politicians

Did they sweat he'd say as he'd be back from the Furnace

yes we sweat say Politicians, but only at Elections and Corrections

in a  room, with egg on our face as we hurry to get back for Divisions

So Laura I love you, any Political Journalist will do

For that is my bent, all things Political

And did you read Chapter 9 M.P. Married to a Person, Married to a People

from The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

I have to stop now, for a bit of slapping

Nothing kinky just Movelat on my shoulder

Before I start screaming in pain, and why was Bezo's rocket

like an. advert for something for the weekend

Then you can read my comic novel while you in bed

With somebody nice, no jacket or Politician required

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...