Saturday, 17 July 2021

Covid 19 and all that

Covid 19 and all that

Yesterday 13 countries were reading me here on wordpress, so thanks for that

Maybe you’ll all pray my Tinnitus goes away

Or maybe you’ll pray that it’s my writing that goes away

Either way Thank You

We all have Covid 19 in common

Global warming in common too

What angers me is misreporting and lazy journalism

There will never be ZERO Covid 19, a 2 year old knows that

Nothing is Perfect, except Donald Trump in his own imagination

So the way is Vaccination for the world

It should be FREE everywhere for Everybody

Mass Produce it Everywhere

My own nephew was a test subject when it was developed here

I’ve had 2 jabs of Astra Zeneca, I’ve a card in my pocket

Yes today our double jabbed new Health Secretary has got it

BUT thankfully he’ll not die

Nor will most people as they are double vaccinated

But nothing is perfect so some might still get it

The point is those going to Hospital are 10% of the peak

Or if you cannot do Maths, 100 before is now only 10

So keep on Masking no matter what the official policy is

If you are a party animal obviously you will get it

But in UK the race is being won

But we still need the contraception, a MASK

The Far East always masks, so just copy them

As for Tokyo, Covid 19 in the Olympic Village now

So greed is making a super spreader

Olympics is supposed to mean Peace and Goodwill for all Mankind through Sport

But it looks like a Branding exercise at the world’s expense

Cancel the Olympics, for the Peace and Goodwill of all Mankind through Common Sense

But again The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil

Covid 19 unites the world in Misery

When will we be free

Mental Health issues is the Legacy of it

Mankind cannot be kept caged up

We need to talk and sing and dance

So Speed up free vaccination programs

Mass Produce it everywhere

Forget wars, and making more nuclear silos

Make Vaccines a Priority

For all the world’s mental health

Then we can have fun and games

Not profits for vaccine companies, or Olympic games IOC

The only IOC I want is Inoculations of Countries

That is the only sport worth having in the world


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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...