Thursday, 29 July 2021

just before bedtime, not that I actually sleep

just before bedtime, not that I actually sleep

Ethiopia has now joined my readers list

so hello to 100,000,000  of them or just the one

reading me, I did not know there are so many of them

Over on Wordpress too 12 countries today

As for me Kdrama You are my Spring was on

Episode 7, the Dr, a Quack, said he loved her kind of

But his heart transplant won't last forever

So the maybe just friends only

The female Concierge left with a heavy heart

The music swelled, he ate his porridge alone

as she caught the bus alone

I cried, I have has a quadruple 6 years ago

I worked in a hotel, for 3 years and we even had a female

Concierge, Hello Tina if you remember me, she was a brown 

belt in martial arts, a former air hostess, and walk to the top

of the hotel, 5 floors every day, and not just to avoid me

So back to the Kdrama, the girl caught the bus

But as the music swelled, and the Dr ate his porridge

I cried, the music stopped, there was a bang on the door

The female Korean Concierge came back, 

friends is not enough

So that's why I cry, and hope a Korean comes for me

Especially like today, when I hurt all over

Kdramas are MUST, gentle and poetic in this case

So what are you waiting for, a knock on the door

Otherwise I hope America gets through Puberty  as that

actor called it, otherwise the whole world suffers

Global Warming is  here today, new Met Office report in UK

But we all know it already

So can we cut all these Nuclear arms race

And save the Human Race

my kids even said what's the point of  having children

If the Future is so bleak in their Lifetime

Its is now, not 20 years away

What do we need to happen, a nuclear accident

or a nuclear Madman to kill half of Mankind

Before the rest survive and say

We could have avoided that

Meanwhile I dream my Kdrama dream

perhaps I avoiding Reality, or maybe just all my Pain

When will he write some Comedy again

I'd like to know too, If I had Software or a SpeedTypist 

Maybe I'd start on Tears for a Butcher, or just write my

1 hour to write stories

Tinnitus is a curse, as is Random pain that can last all day

And lack of REM is no fun either

So enjoy what's on the page 3300 pieces here alone

and maybe my Concierge will turn up before I die

To be continued or not

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...