Sunday, 18 July 2021

Some Like It Hot or Some Hide from the Sun

Well this Sunday 18th July Boris is self isolating

He'll be reading  Chapter 9 M.P. Married to a Person, Married to a People

from The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

a comic view of an Election campaign

remember I first finished book on Leap Years Day 1988.   29288

Hence the Taxi emergency code 29288

I've kept faith with the book

And it is read in 90 countries I suppose

for free via my Wordpress as I loaded Translations Galore

Some days in  10 different languages they are reading it and me

So Boris join the club and give  some free pubicity

Though he will not, as more copies of it have been downloaded and read

Than his Churchill book,  my original title was A Nation of Shopkeepers

so while you are in isolation, READ ALL 20 of my BOOKS

Mainly short stories

Anyway I went for a stroll around the house, it was far too hot to go ouside

We had some Lilies in the house and even after 4 days the perfume was overpowering

So they have ended up in flower pots outside

And even in the front garden, looking like pink triffids

I missed online Mass today as the connection did not work  is the link

If any of you want to Pray, or see my own pray  way

Though The Rosary is what I do as Tinnitus keeps me awake

As well as surfing the internet on my phone, till 5 or 6 or 7am

And only then do I sleep

Then after a couple of hours I awake to the sound of a freight train in my head

Then I repeat

Any way thanks for passing by and hello to MS the girl I once bought Lilies for

Is it 30 years ago, I hope she is happy, I remember she had sisters who looked after her

I once wrote a story for her, and she did not speak to me for weeks

Another friend she loved a story I wrote about Czech so much so

That everybody read, Edwina gave me a 10, or did she downgrade it to a 9

Hello to her and all the Sisterhood, all my bosses were ladies back then

One I tried to chat up at Christmas, 10 years later she was the boss

No names, but she'll be no doubt be relieved

What else, my 2 daughter are planning a Summer trip, train and hotel

Good job I got them a rail card

I never used my own, my Pain attacks are so Random, the Theatre

is the furtherest place I go, 2013 being my last holiday

But I'm so glad at least my girls can go

Which means I'm here to write more and more and more

Though this past month not very productive

There still are over 3300 pieces on this site alone

Nobody has emailed to say I've read this or that and am catching up

Just do you want to have a new website, or top of Google

Random people with pretend English names, and now hiding their IP

So they get deleted unread

If you want me follow me, Julia from Russia pops up often

It's must be the jokers in Ukraine or Russia itself

Those get deleted unread too

Though I do have a full Russia translation of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

being read in Russian or via download on Wordpress or over here on Blogger

So in finishing, as it's getting dark, I'll remove all my clothes and stroll naked

to the chip shop, for a sausage or a savaloy, if I've spelt it right

I'll ask the chip shop owner as he sprinkles salt all over my chips

He never complains when I come in naked 

I get all the crispy bits out of his deep fat frier

And Bob his dog licks my ankles

Then as   leave Bob puts his nose where he should not

But that's the kind of area I live in

I'm video recorded too by all the neighbours

As. I walk up the hill, ending on Tic Toc

Like a pendulum Tic Toc

The bag with my chips in, I mean

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...