Monday, 5 July 2021

Research Project Sleep Deprivation and Health

 Today is  a good day

My daughters' good friend from choir is now a BA  or is it Bsc in Zoology

So God Bless her, I found an old choir photo from 10 years ago

So I told the to send it to her

Also in the photo is a Black guy who has just graduated in Media

He is also a male model , so God Bless him too

But should he ever get really famous

I'll remind him, to come back and paint my bathroom again

It was him who painted the old bathroom in the old house

He is a wizz with crayons etc and painting

I just gave him a bigger brush

There is too another friend of my daughters

She is a professional model, from Denmark now

So lots of smart people know me, but probably wish they did not

Of course my daughters's mum could have been a model in Shanghai

I was offered a chance to be a Hippo in mud for a zoo advert

Farting below the bubbles

Which brings us to another of my daughter's friend

She may write a Thesis on Sleep Deprivation and Health

I told my daughter I could write it for her

Somebody else asked my daughter today what did she know about Oriental Cuisine

I'm actually 1/2 Chinese

And  20 years  of eating Chinese food, daily

So all in all a good day

Apart from the lack of REM, and sleep

And having a Rubic cube day and night life

Maybe I should write that essay

Stay Happy Always

God sees what is in your heart, even if you stray occasionally

Good job 7 times tables are HIS favourite, 77x7 

 come fly with me

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...